Supporting Each Other
Resurrection Living
We are called to be disciples of God’s love and care in the world. While our corporate service is organized to reflect aspects of our commitment to our community, Concord’s members engage the world as the friends of God. In their individual lives, work, and service they exemplify the prophet’s call to “do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly” with God.
Concord Baptist Christfund
The Concord Baptist Christfund was established in 1988 by The Concord Baptist Church of Christ as a testament to the power of Jesus Christ and the inspiration of Black people to let money make money for Christ. It was the first such fund created by a Black congregation and was made possible by the vision of the late senior pastor emeritus Dr. Gardner C. Taylor and the sacrificial and faithful giving of the Concord people.
Concord Federal Credit Union
When the Concord Federal Credit Union was chartered in 1951 by the Concord Baptist Church of Christ, it represented the fulfillment of a dream that began in the early 1940’s for Black Brooklynites to have fair access to quality financial services. As reported in The New York Age newspaper (April 26, 1941 “Boro Credit Union Will Hold Meeting at Concord Church”), Concord hosted a community meeting to explore the questions that confronted its membership — “How to beat the high cost of credit on furniture, clothing, automobiles, borrowed money, insurance, and a million and one other things?”
Concord Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center
One can only imagine life for elderly and infirmed Black people, without pension, healthcare, or family as they faced the sunset of their years in Brooklyn in the 1880’s. Their tenuous economic and familial circumstances were all the more exacerbated by inequity, segregation, and racism. The Concord Baptist Church of Christ was a generous supporter of a home for the elderly sponsored by the Long Island Baptist Association, the Baptist Home of Brooklyn. Yet, the Church had to threaten to withdraw its membership in the association when the Baptist Home refused to admit Black people.
The Concord Freedom School
The Concord Freedom Summer School (Pre K – Middle School) immerses young people in the stories, traditions, and power of Black histories – and makes room for them to imagine a new world, all while tackling summer reading loss.